Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Hi friends!
I really don't have anything to write about, but I'm trying to be regular with this bulog thing...
Went out in service this a.m. Meech and I were late, so we met the group out in the territory. I talked to a lady who had a husband (?) with ALzheimer's and a grandson who was born at 24 weeks (and is now deaf). She was very pleasant, and we had a really nice discussion, even though she said she "doesn't usually talk" to us. She said she didn't have time for the book, but she would read the "Would You Like to Know the Truth?" tract. After that, Meech met Tony to go to work, and angie and i worked on her phone territory. Almost ALL the nums were d/c! We did talk to two people who told us to call back, which we'll probably do tomorrow. I'll also be doing business territory for the first time! yay!! But i'm sooo not excited lol. Momma Jae is auxiliary pioneering this month (yay momma jae!!!), and so she'll be roughing it in the big forest hills with us tomorrow! Which definitely calls for a girls' night afterwards! I'm doing a sub talk with angie tonight, so i'd better be audi!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww momma jae! Git it!
    Momma said you got hit by a twain. lol
    Po lady! :( Thats cool that she took the tract tho... you never know.
